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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Time Management > Time Setup >

The Project  menu is used create and maintain list of projects or tasks.  A project is used in creating "Time Entries".


For example, XYC is a consulting company. The company installs and configures applications for clients. Each installation is handled as a separate project. Users can create a "Project" as "Installation" and use this to create "Time Entries".


Steps to create a Project:

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter the  "Description" for the project.
  3. Enter "Notes" to add additional information.
  4. Enter the "Value", "Hours" and "Rate".
    1. "Value" is the budgeted cost of the project and "Hours" is expected duration of the project.
      1. Above details are used to compute the "Budgeted and Actual" project values.
        1. "Time and Expense" report shows the "Budget, Actual and Variance". Run the report with  "Show Cost=Yes" to show the Budget/Actual/Variance.
        2. Actual "Value"is the total "Billable Hours".
    2. Rate is the default chargeable rate per hour.
  5. Delete will mark a record as deleted.
    1. Deleted records will not appear in any lookups.
    2. Edit the record and "Un-tick" delete to activate a record.
  6. "Display Order" determines the display order of the list where projects are used.
  7. Use the "Pencil" icon to edit details.
  8. Expand into the details to add "Notes" and " Attachments ".

Figure 1 : Project Maintenance